Sunday, August 7, 2011

Trying to get back into my crafting

Well, as you can tell from me not keeping up with my blog, I have been on a crafting hiatus - not for a lack of inspiration but more of a lack of time. Two munchkins at home and a part time job that pays the bills will do that to a girl I guess!
Here are my ambitious plans for this holiday season. I am planning to start a new line of origami wall decals. My first trial will be in my office so we will have to see how it goes but I think they are going to turn out really nice. Hopefully I will have pics up soon. Also, the shop where I consign has been asking me to do mobiles for over a year now ( have I ever mentioned how much I dislike mobiles and never wanted to make them again after making them for friends and family one year for Christmas?!)
Well happy crafting everyone! Let me know what you are up to - it keeps me motivated!